Friday, September 28, 2007

Party Time

Fuck Parties.
That's right, I said it. I do not, of course, refer to the general social practice of celebration and connection known as the party. The target of my ire, at the current juncture, is a party here in the dorm. The name of the dorm will remain anonymous for the foreseeable future. Suffice it to say that the party centers around nudity, and is accompanied by the old friends of the party; sex, drugs, and alcohol. Perhaps, in some sense, this party in more overtly sexual than most, but not in any sense that is relevant to the proceedings here.
Fuck Parties.
I truly have no interest in such a thing. I would go so far as to say that it, as representative of its kind, disgusts me in a way. To be sure, I don't care about you, your shit, your mom, her shit, your best friend, his cool haircut, or any other of the million things that comprise your life. What I do care about is humanity. I see a party like this and I am honestly saddened. I don't like what I see, and the problem is value. Now to those who might be thinking to themselves any of the following:
-oh, another right wing fascist
-oh, he must be some loser who doesn't get invited
-oh, a square
-oh, so repressed
I say the following to you freethinkers and free spirits... fuck you. You don't know me and you don't know from whence I come. Take a moment to look past your local miasma of pot haze and beyond the bong resin covered walls of your life. I understand and appreciate the human drive for sex and sexuality, but what we've lost here is the value and respect. At the time being, I will let alone value and respect for those around you, and focus on value and respect for oneself.
Lo you say, I value myself.
I tell you that you do not.
Lo you say, and why should I?
...because I God-damned said so.
I say value and respect yourself and others. I do not mean you should value and respect everyone equally; I am no egalitarian. I mean you should value and respect people for what they are. They are (presumably) people, at the least. Value your sexuality and that of others for what they are.
I ask so little of you, and yet you disappoint. You can have your parties and your orgies... you need only respect that which you take.
You don't respect any of it, and in this you have failed me.

That is all there is for today. Tomorrow, we begin anew.


kallie said...

So how's that totalitarian theocracy treating you?

But seriously, it is true that people have lost the sacred. If, in fact, they ever had it.

God of the Coldest Mountain said...

They had it and they lost it. I do, of course, mean the populace at large when I say 'they'.